The Mighty Lore and Translation Initiative. 이 SCP 같은 경우는 내용이나 설정이 워낙 방대해서. 【Minecraft】从零开始建一个中世纪小镇-10港口. SCPs. That much is obvious. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. 何のことだ!. 【keralis】Minecraft:由现实建筑师创造的城市!. So basically a scp that knows the entire scp foundation is fictional and can alter the course of the story. SCP-4116 - The Nightmare King in The Palace of Dreams. !SCP-INTEGER-DIGIT is the designation for THINGS, including both ITEMS and BEINGS, that have served as a medium of communication for an incorrect designation or classification of SCP-INTEGER. com. 且允许单独调整和优化这些参数,以便从单个细胞、悬浮或半固体培养基至贴壁细胞克隆中. The RCM4000 RabbitCore module delivers the features and internet connectivity to design embedded systems that users can monitor and control remotely from any location. SCP-4004 - Un rêve devenu réalité. At least. 監視所の修復を行った公園職員で、SCP-3333の入口の工事に関与したものはいませんでした。. 从设立开始,SCP-2000已经被启动了至少两次。. Laconic Description: SCP-4004 is. 从使用多个发射机仿真到雷达的前导波,到测试接收机中的精密元件,盛铂科技解决方案能达到这些复杂的雷达和电子战. 看完以上那些再来读下边的吧,也是个人感觉不错的. The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. 授权指南. imaginary_num6er. 预计最早. Try as the Foundation might, the library absolutely will not create new life, nor will it resurrect a lost life long enough for either to matter. SCP-4114 - オカルト脱出奇術師. . PA左から右足でゴール前に折り返し、最後はマーチが押し込んだ。. SCP-4000 est une menace totale pour l'humanité. Like most truly great SCPs, it surpasses what an SCP is expected to be and elevates the entire SCP project in so doing. SCP-4000-ARC was a Foundation member before named SCP-4000-ARC by [REDACTED]. That's what you want to avoid. 4800~4899 11. 4600~4699 9. サイト内に人員がいても、施設があっても、関係なく実行される。. 項目等級:Keter. 1. 최근 수정 시각: 2021-08-11 21:56:47. と思うかもしれないが、要は「 地球上の確率に異常が発生したせいで滅茶苦茶になっている 」とい. 4+. 禁忌之地(Taboo)是SCP基金會系列中的項目之一,編號SCP-4000。一處超維度異常地域,其主要異常性質在於不能用同一個名號多次稱呼它或者任何一個當地實體,否則稱呼者會遭遇有害的異常現象;此外,探索該地需要遵循一套特殊的行為準則。 《禁忌之地》於2018年7月2日投稿參加主題為“歷史”的. This anomalous. SCP-7000とは、地球上において進行中、あるいは地球外に及んでいる可能性がある、 確率要因の無作為化と異常な偶然性 のこと。. 4700~4799 10. And, to no one’s surprise at this point in his career, he opened the scoring in that game with a goal 10:28 into the first period. Ściśle tajne archiwum Fundacji SCP, odtajnione dla waszej przyjemności. SCP-4000 es una anomalía de clase Keter también conocida como Tabú. EasySort Compact通过光镊轻松控制单细胞的移动轨迹,并通过独有的重力驱动专利技术,将任何直径大于1 μm的目标单细胞迅速包裹成单液滴,可对接下游实验。. Huge congratulations to all entrants, especially PeppersGhost for writing the winning entry “Taboo” and the many new and even first time authors who were brave enough to join the contest. Inside the Factory was a room designated SCP-001-B which contained Queen Mab 's body designated SCP-001-C who was fueled by human sacrifices. 这个理论乍看之下似乎是有道理的,尤其是考虑到SCP-682的访谈记录和Samuel Rhodes3的访谈记录之间的相似性,但它与证据不匹配。. 06%,. Gloves Chemical PVC 45cm - SCP4000. BHL Code: 3524389. 5米,身体部分最大可达直径10米。. Blue is the indicator for the anomaly itself, SCP-INTEGER, and it's associated parts. 描述. this shit is a meme and it goes hard, now, go watch meet the mtf in my channel because its pretty better than this, i swearSCP-4000 - фэнтезийный рассказ о геноциде и мести, завёрнутый в глубокое исследование происхождения Фонда. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to TheRubber Channel Today!SCP 4000, also known as Taboo, is an e. Every human being that has ever lived has a single corresponding book within the archive, detailing all important events in their life 7. 与SCP-2000的修建和历史相关的基金. SCP-4000 is to be contained in a 250m x 250m x 200m titanium cell, guarded by no fewer than six foundation personnel. Creado por: Sofía Caperochipi. 三笘の演出による得点となったが、公式記録ではアシスト扱い. SCP 시리즈 4000-4999. 173(花生)106(老头)096(羞男)049(小天使). 描述: SCP-3002是一X级传染性模因危害,对暴露对象的记忆会产生广泛影响。. Description. SCP. They are an ancient magical race currently inhabiting the dimension of SCP-4000 after losing all of their names following their failure at destroying the Foundation. 위성통신. CellCelector Flex仪器是一款多功能、全自动细胞克隆分析及分离系统,用于细胞检测、细胞筛选、挑取和分离单细胞、细胞团、球体、类器官、单细胞克隆以及贴壁细胞。. 目前在任何情况下系统测试将会受益于高性能的测试设备——模拟和矢量信号发生器、频谱分析仪、矢量信号分析仪和矢量网络分析仪等。. Here we go. 내가 설명하기 보다는. hPSC workflows that require clonal expansion from single cells, such as. 因scp-5000的要求,其收容室的浴室极其宽敞。. 元動画はこちら↓↓【本日発売】話題のカップ麺『みそきん』実食レビュー!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ぺこ!【ホロ. TheRubber brings you SCP Foundation KETER class object, SCP-4000 Animation. In Taboo, you learn that some of the fairies survived and are using SCP-4000 as a hiding place. Christopher Afton/Shadow Freddy. SCP-4000 is notable in that it is the first format screw to win a X000 contest, and thus unique among the X000 contest winners. Daniels在过去六个月里在牢房里度过。. 由于情况超出了我们的控. SCP. SCP-4000是一个关于种族清洗,报应和幻想的故事,包装在对基金会历史的深度探索中。. 无需真空源或电源. SCP-2003是一仪器,能够在与主流科学所理解的时空理论相违背的情况下进行有一定限度的时间旅行。. Not much else is. SCP-4000-ARC powers activated on [REDACTED] when serpents hand general, Lara was terminated. 辞書では、運を「幸や不幸をもたらす力」と定義しています。. SCP-3140 - Botanical Warfare. 記憶刪除的級別將視情況而定。2. SCP-1000は Homo sapiens とともに進化していき、10,000-15,000年前までは原人や人類とともに多数存在していましたが、ある絶滅イベントで1-5%まで数を減らしました。. 同一のナンバーを持つ日本支部のEuclidクラスオブジェクト。. Gloves Chemical PVC 45cm - SCP4000 - PVC Chemical Gloves - 45cm Length - Interlock lined for easy on/off - One Size Fits All. รายละเอียด: SCP-4000-THเป็นเก้าอี้ไม้สภาพดี โดยเมื่อมีคนเข้าไปนั่งSCP-4000-THจะไม่มีอะไรเกิดขึ้นในช่วงแรก แต่เมื่อผ่านไป1นาทีผู้นั่ง. 다른 차원에 있는 한 숲 형태의 공간형 SCP이다. SCP-2521-JP - 己見ル病. 0ライセンス の元で利用. However scp-4000 has a camera attached to the face of the scp, origin of. 3000 scp thaumiel 动物 合著 水生 活物 生物性 移情作用 蛇类 视觉性 认知危害 记忆影响. SCP-4112 - We Have Assumed Control. 4500~4599 8. 实施4000-Halloway程序(详见文件DOC-4000-H)可以进入 该异常地区 。. It's not real, not yet, but with enough story it will be. . Item #: SCP-4000 Object Class: Keter Laconic Containment Procedures: When talking about SCP-4000 (or any person, place, or thing inside SCP-4000), you cannot use names or titles. 无需注射器. 后室IT服务组,是为后室大部分楼层(几乎所有,除了条件过于恶劣的楼层)提供互联网服务的服务组。有时也发放上网设备。后室IT服务组总部位于Level Internet,在各个能够通入互联网的楼层均设有营业厅(注意:营业厅不是前哨站或据点,营业厅是B. SCP4000は名付けたことになるのでは?と思いましたが、原作では厳密にはナンバリングされていないのですね。 名前を呼んではいけないあの森で少しクスッとしました。 2019-04-14 09:31:08 atype-corpThis video was made by the Minecraft Youtuber NewScapePro in 2018, the original link to the video. どんな人か見たければ、本部の報告書にプロの写真家が撮影した (という設定の)画像が添付されてるので見に行ってみるといいだろう。. 本文章转载自SCP基金会. 对设备稍加改进,还可实现多. 特別収容プロトコル: SCP-5000は起動していない状態でサイト-22の標準的な保管ロッカーに収容されます。. SCP-370が部分的に、または完全に露出した場合、目隠. 地球上の文明. It expands upon an element of the world the Foundation inhabits that isn't frequently brought up - the existence of other races, races that co-existed with humans. CELLINK’s cytena GmbH division has launched the UP. 医疗设备更新通知发布 傲睿科技有话说. 他的“无名同事”也肯定了我们所知的结论:妖精们正在侵入我们的世界,夺走我们的名字。. If the individual responsible for the breach has no known next of kin, the individual's name must be expurgated from all existing. SCP-4000 concerns the Fae realm. original sound - Ash ff. 然而,如果你這樣做,你會錯過一些重要的細節還有主題,所以請自己評估你的風險。. DispenSoft单细胞分析软件可提供即时和可追溯的. 今回は「名前を呼んではいけないscp」を解説します。このオブジェクトの最大の特徴は「名前」が存在しないところです。なぜ名前を呼んでは. RTP4000虽然小巧,但功能极其强大,可提供:从基本平均功率到脉冲参数的测量、脉冲的捕获和测量、CW连续波和调制信号甚至. SCP-4444: 부시 대 고어 by djkaktus (313) 3. Item #: SCP-6000 Special. 1. 4900~4999. CellCelector具有很高的扫描和细胞挑. 개요 [편집] SCP 재단 에서 조사하고 있는 자료들 중 4000번 (SCP-4000)에서 4999번 자료 (SCP-4999)들의 제목 (부제)을. He is one of the kindest, most-caring SCPs the Foundation has ever known. SCP-4000 may be dirty, because of dust. Continuity Cavalcade: A lot of SCPs appear or are referenced during David's time in SCP-6001's universe, from classics like 173 and 682 to more recent articles such as SCP-5031. At the end os season 3 he turns Corey into SCP-4000 and lists 999 as a "dangerous" SCP. SCP-5000 希望背后的巨大绝望 基金会灭世的秘密. 개요 [편집] SCP재단에서 설계, 제작한 것으로 추정되는 '절대 차단 방호구'이다. 可同时处理多达 8 个样品. SCP-2006은 자유자재로 변신이 가능한 생물체다. One thing I noticed was the line "SCP-4000 is an 18m diameter and 1 metre deep circular patch of dehydrated withered grass, twigs. 在基金会人员赶到并对其威胁进行处理之前,SCP-354已经变成了当地的一个城市传说。. Item #: SCP-4000 Object Class: Keter Laconic Containment Procedures: When talking about SCP-4000 (or any person, place, or thing inside SCP-4000), you cannot use. NewScapePro - Minecraft SCP Roleplays!, simply known as NSP, is a channel owned by NewScapePro that. 全自动挑取模式,挑取流程实时可视. me while I go brush my fur. 你估我系边个. 虽然SCP-5000被认为曾有一系列异常功能以保护并强化穿戴者,其在过去受到的伤害使其目前只具有基本的文件存储功能。. 谈到 SCP基金会 ,中国的大部分读者朋友们,恐怕首先想到的是 SCP-173 ,标题叫《雕像 最初之作》。得益于那款名为 《SCP 收容失效》 的恐怖游戏,以及游戏直播文化带来的巨大影响力,SCP基金会这个写作网站在中国也逐渐变得广为人知。 但中国读者普遍了解的往往是SCP基金会系列1与系列2(指001. Fig 1. SCP-4000’s cell must be checked at least once a day for dents, which are to be fixed immediately. 部分内容的细节与当事人真实生活不符,许多对象在成年之前从未在有树林的地区生活或旅游过。. 何も知らない身からすれば突. rating: +372 –. 3000 alive animal aquatic co-authored cognitohazard empathic fish memory-affecting religious scp thaumiel visual. 迄今为止. SCP-4116 - The Nightmare King in The Palace of Dreams. 0ライセンス の元で利用. SCP-3002的内容为该人员与其当时最好的朋友一并穿过一片林中花园或是在其中玩耍。. どのような状況であってもSCP-370をこの箱と鉛板から取り出すことは許可されません。. SCP-4110 - The Ultimate Cosplay. 42” × 0. EzequielMuqi. Description: The SCP in question is an extradimensional forested area with numerous anomalous qualities, including a hazardous nomenclative phenomenon. 残る出入口、もしくは破壊できない通路については、SCP-579と同様の処置がとられ、その後最高司令部から新たな指令が下される。. しかしその一方で、成長の過程でSCP-JPに生まれた負の遺産の事も忘れてはならないのです。. ネコとカラスとSCP その1 - ニコニコ動画. . ざっくりと説明すると、インド神話に登場する多くの頭を持った蛇の神である。. 今回が3000-JPである. 产品综述. 作者: SIA. SCP-1812 外月模因. After the main cast leave to the serpents hand he became site director and partners with Cyborg Hooper. These platforms primarily distribute single cells into multi-well plates, generally in 96- and 384-wells. 4000到4099 禁忌之地 - 禁忌之地SCP-4001 - 永恒之亚历山大城SCP-4002. SCP-4114 - オカルト脱出奇術師. This is a piece from my undergrad thesis, "Encyclopædia Securus, Contineo, Protegere," a scientific encyclopedia that visually depicts anomalous entities derived. SCP-4000是一个关于种族清洗,报应和幻想的故事,包装在对基金会历史的深度探索中。. 特外站點:設計用於在現實扭曲或其它時空重構事件中保存資訊的. SCP-8000-JP-Jは「親指の付け根をぱちんと叩くんだよ」と証言しましたが、これらの音は人間の皮膚の弾性と張力を考慮すれば不可思議な. 元々は岩に包まれていたようであるが、外部からの衝撃で一部の肉. SCP-012. - SALVACLIP vestes, kodi SCP4000 ir 4050 - SALVACLIP siksnas, kodi SCP4300 ir 4275 Gultai vai nestuvēm: - SALVACLIP elastīga gultas siksna SCP4500 Palīdzībai staigāšanai: - SALVACLIP siksna SCP4400 ir 4450 - SALVACLIP elastīga palīdzības siksna SCP4550 2. 受影响对象会将被篡改记忆视作原本记. It begins by saying that there is an anomalous place where you literally cannot name things, it has body horror (plus cool creepy images), the article has a format gimmick, it introduces a set of rules to enter the anomaly, a set of rules upon being there. SCP-4000: Taboo by PeppersGhost (449) 2. SCP-1382-JP is a sapient metafictional construct classified as a Cervantes Class narrative anomaly, believed to be related to the book The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848. SCP-3000为肉食,虽然很少活动,但有能力快速移动杀死猎物。. Now, SCP - 5000 could still be the cause of this, and 4935 is the culmination of it "birthing". SCP_Foundation. Enquire + Shopping List + Add to Wishlist. SCP-4005-1A:阿伊莎·默罕默德与拉希德·默罕默德在1975年的同一天失踪,当时聚集在清真寺的所有人都和他们一起失踪了。. SCP-4998 - 广告招租,虚位以待. SCP-4000 must be kept in box all time and containment chamber must be 5*5*5 meters. SCP-4000は未知の組成の人型実体であり、外見上中年の男性に見えます。. Neglect, Bullies, Scars, Depression, Trauma and a dash of Bad luck is the perfect recipe for a vill. ソクラテス: 親愛なるウィキコモリオスよ、われわれはそれをSCP-4500と呼んでいる。. SCP-4000: Taboo by PeppersGhost (449) 2.